Need Some Help?

button-2076_640Being a new blogger can be a little scary.

In addition to having to write content, learn how to use your blogging software, and figure out your long-term strategy, there are a bunch of technical hurdles to overcome.

Couple that with the fact that many new bloggers don’t know what they don’t know, and you can have a rather steep (and unpleasant) learning curve.

Let me give you an example. When I first started out blogging many years ago, I figured that everybody who wanted site updates would subscribe via RSS. I didn’t include email subscription options until six months later when one of my ever-so-kind site visitors sent me a message asking how to subscribe via email.


And of course I knew how to add email subscriptions, because I’m a tech guy – but I’ve seen many people who’d have no idea where to even begin.

This is exactly why I created GoodStart. GoodStart helps new bloggers avoid as many “oops!” situations as possible, sets them up with a solid technical foundation, and provides video-based training that helps them figure things out in minutes – not days, weeks, or months.

Here’s the short summary of the process:

  1. I take care of the initial site setup (on a domain that you register). By starting you out with self-hosted WordPress, a starter theme, a variety of plugins, and training videos to teach you how to move forward, you’re sure to get off on the right foot.
  2. You watch the videos, learn how to do the things that you need to do, and email me with questions if necessary.
  3. We wrap up with a half-hour phone call. During this call we can brainstorm, solve lingering technical issues, talk about website strategy, or anything else you’d like. If you feel this call would be more helpful at the beginning, we can do it first instead – it’s up to you!

And of course if you need extra consulting, whether it’s design-related, strategic, or technical in nature, it’s available for a discounted rate to GoodStart customers.

You can do this. I can help. Let’s tackle your project together!